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Rich's Chess Tournaments Omaha
  Sat Mar 29 2025 02:07
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These Chess Tournaments are the Gesture of Peace

Clover Chess Tournament Omaha 2024 Saturday July 27th

Chess is the Blood Sport of the Mind : Stacy Robinson

$15,000.00 in prizes in 17 Chess Tournaments in 13 years !!!

No USCF membership required.
Downtown near lots of bus lines.

The Mitra Chess Tournament Omaha 2025-07-26 Sat
Please contact : rich.htm

Chess Players Meet & Greet Thursdays & Saturdays 4:00pm
( No one intoxicated can play )
( no abusive language or behavior)

I get photographs and video of all Chess Players at all Chess events for posting to the websites and social media

Chess Players can wear masks and gloves

09-02-Mon Meet & Greet at International Cafe [ IC.htm ]
( backup location is Voodoo Taco 25th & Farnam )
Chess Players can let me know if they want me to come earlier than 4:00pm

09-24-Tue at International Cafe [ IC.htm ]
( backup location is Voodoo Taco 25th & Farnam )
Alier will be at iCafe 4:00pm until at least 6pm maybe later

02-09-Sun at International Cafe [ IC.htm ]
( backup location is Asli Somali Restaurant 2425 Douglas )
Superbowl 59 on KPTM 42 Fox

03-20-Thu Meet & Greet at International Cafe [ IC.htm ]  
( backup location is Asli Somali Restaurant 2425 Douglas )

03-22-Sat at International Cafe [ IC.htm ]
( backup location is Asli Somali Restaurant 2425 Douglas )

03-27-Thu Meet & Greet at International Cafe [ IC.htm ]  
( backup location is Asli Somali Restaurant 2425 Douglas )

03-29-Sat at International Cafe [ IC.htm ]
( backup location is Asli Somali Restaurant 2425 Douglas )


Chess Clubs Omaha NE USA

AirBNB Chess Penthouse Fifth Ave Apts Omaha NE USA , Chess 1 block away ,
grocery store , tea shop , barber shop , 2 coffee shops , 4 restaurants within 3 blocks ,
24 hour Walgreens 6 blocks , cat coffee 5 blocks

 AirBNB 5th Ave Apts  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter  Instagram  Pinterest  Threads  Tumblr

 RCTO.us by Sam Moody  RCTO.us by Sam Moody 1000w X 750h  RCTO.us by Sam Moody 3216w X 2496h

Any Lady artist that submits a picture with the RCTO.ws website in it can receive a $100.00 Gift Card at any Meet & Greet .
The Lady can submit this by email or at any Meet & Greet by 2024-10-17 Thu .
Please see picture above .

 RCTO Chess Set and Clock  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Alexis at Wohlners Grocery Midtown Crossing  1000w X 1333h  2448w x 3264h
 Q & Alena from Russia  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
Q & Alena from Russia

* * *
RCTO tshirts & hoodies can be ordered from Center Trophy

born to Jas (see her in hoodie video above)
2020-09-12 Sat 23:10utc 6lbs 10oz Immanuel Hospital Omaha NE USA

Rounds   [ Rules & Equipment ]

Spectators   are welcome and pay no fee.
Food & Drink are available for purchase !

Gukesh Dommaraju became the youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion on 2024-12-12 Thu in Singapore , winning the title with 7� points to Ding Liren's 6� points .

The last 3 Lady Chess Champions are from China :

Hou Yifan   2016 � 2017

Tan Zhongyi   2017 � 2018

Ju Wenjun   2018 � current
GM Ju Wenjun has won a wild final game of the 2023 FIDE Women's World Championship to claim her fourth title with a 6.5-5.5 victory over GM Lei Tingjie.
2023-07-21 Fri

[ click on any photograph to see bigger size in a new window ]

 Samuel Reshevsky

Samuel Reshevsky, age 8, defeating several chess masters at once in France, 1920

Big Al Capone played Chess

Moors Chess 1283
 North AfricaW hite Washed
[ YouTu.be/nrQLduthV_w ]
MoorsChess.pdf   thanx cousin Norman (Hudlin Family)

 RCTO Chess Board
This is the RCTO Chess set I have been donating :
2018-06-14 Thu   LFS Kountz Commons 27th & Douglas
2018-06-20 Wed   WCA 3801 Harney
2018-06-30 Sat   International Cafe
2020-04-26 Sun   Natalie
2021-06-19 Sat   Lydia
2021-12-11 Sat   Isaac
2022-01-22 Sat   Hadyah
2022-06-18 Sat   Curley
2022-11-24 Thu   Stanley
2023-01-21 Sat   Peter
2023-07-08 Sat   Marion
2024-02-01 Thu   CTRL Coffee & Cereal Bar 1016 S 10th St

The Creator did not create a static universe , everything is in motion , everything is changing .
Evolution is not against The Plan because it was always a part of The Plan !

2 Ladies came to the 2021-06-12-Sat Meet & Greet and played a Game of Chess against each other :
$ 90.00   1st Place to CC
$ 70.00   2nd Place to Billetta

If a Lady student from Central High School comes to the 10-30-Sat Meet & Greet and plays Chess will receive $ 100.00 gift card
If a Lady student from Creighton University comes to the 10-30-Sat Meet & Greet and plays Chess will receive $ 100.00 gift card

Any Lady Chess Player that submits an article about Chess to be published on the RCTO.us and RCTO.ws websites can receive a $100.00 Gift Card at any Meet & Greet by 2024-10-17 Thu .

Meet & Greet

I get photographs and video of all Chess Players at all Chess events for posting to the websites and social media

 Caissa.com PGN
Chess Players can wear masks and gloves

Chess Players email or text me if you want me to bring the 4 Player Chess Set
 4 Player Chess Set

2025-03-27 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
A big thank you to Warren for coming and staying until 6pm

2025-03-20 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
Prentiss came by a minutes after Doug left and got first pick of the Chess Books
 Prentiss takes home some Chess Books  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2025-03-20 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20250320_222424.jpg  2448w x 2448h
Doug brought some of his old Chess Books to give away
 Doug brought Chess Books to give away  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2025-03-20 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20250320_221248.jpg  2448w x 2448h
My mother grandmother great great grandmother all made a posthumous trip into the Obama White House
Unfortunately it is no longer allowed to have custom postage stamps made
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2025-03-20 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 3500w x 2400h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h  Tumblr
Ivie Urieto update from her dad , she will land in Athens GA USA 2025-03-25 Tue
She will attend the 12th Annual Ubuntu Chess & Community Conference 2025-03-29 Sat 9am The Classic Center 300 N Thomas St
Then on the 2025-04-01 Tue she will be in New York City

2025-03-13 Thu at International Cafe
I treated a $20.00 dinner to Warren for staying with me to 6:00pm
Ivie Urie.to was granted a VISA and will land in Athens GA USA 2025-03-22 Sat and then to New York City for a 2 week visit
 445w x 562h
 Instagram 118w x 118h

2025-03-06 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
Also a Simple Will to
Aida Abraha PhD Executive Director / Founder / Board Member RSAfricaSpecial.org Unique Identifier EIN 27-3738174
 1074w x 590h

2025-02-20 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
Unite as One As One Nation 2025-02-23 Sun 3pm-5pm 72nd Dodge NW corner (Target) 6pm-8pm China Star 95th Q Bobby B's Birthday Dinner
 Unite as One As One Nation 2025-02-23 Sun 3pm-5pm 72nd Dodge NW corner (Target) 6pm-8pm China Star 95th Q Bobby B's Birthday Dinner  Unite as One As One Nation 2025-02-23 Sun 3pm-5pm 72nd Dodge NW corner (Target) 6pm-8pm China Star 95th Q Bobby B's Birthday Dinner  1700w x 2200h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h  Tumblr

2025-02-09 Sun at International Cafe
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Muhammad for staying open past 8:00pm for us to watch Superbowl 59
I treated the Chess Players to cheeseburgers :
 Nicholas Prentiss Felicia  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2025-02-09 Sun International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20250210_000638.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h
I donated this Physics Bar Charts to iCafe
 Physics Bar Charts  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2025-02-09 Sun International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20250210_024538.jpg  2448w x 2448h
Physics (203100) Brand: Bar Charts

2025-02-06 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
I gave $10.00 USD Cash to Sada

2025-01-30 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
I gave $10.00 USD Cash to Muhammad
I gave $10.00 USD Cash to Prentiss
 Warren Prentiss | +2  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2025-01-30 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20250130_231924.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h

2025-01-25 Sat at International Cafe
We watched the Timberwolves beat the Nuggets and the Celtics beat the Mavericks
 Alier Zee Marshall Scott Nicholas Warren | Prentiss  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h
 Marshall Scott Nicholas Zee  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h
 Zee Marshall Scott  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h

2025-01-23 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Alier for staying until 6:00pm

2024-12-19 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Sada
 Nicholas Alier Prentiss  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-12-19 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20241220_000703.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h
 Nicholas Prentiss  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-12-19 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20241219_233839.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h
I sent some money Western Union to DivineChessAcademe.org for the holidays
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-08-22 Thu DivineChessAcademe.org (MTCN) 452 587 9813

2024-12-14 Sat at International Cafe
Both Cafes were closed when I came by before noon so I posted accordingly .
Apparently the iCafe opened around 3pm and Alier called me from the iCafe sometime after 4pm .
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Alier for showing up

 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h

2024-12-12 Thu at International Cafe
Thank you Joe for stopping by and discussing some terrific innovative ways of Chess for the Youth here in Omaha
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah

2024-12-05 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Sada
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws Employee of the Month $50 2024-12-05 Thu NebraskaMed.com Omaha NE USA c:\rcto\nm\20241205thu1.jpg  2200w x 1700h  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-12-05 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805  2448w x 2448h
Hamilton Gardens 210 S 24th St Quarters Omaha Douglas NE USA 2024-12-01 Sun
 Hamilton Gardens 210 S 24th St Quarters Omaha Douglas NE USA 2024-12-01 Sun  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-12-05 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805  2448w x 2448h

2024-11-21 Thu at International Cafe
A leader of an organization here in Omaha talked to me about Chess Players in Somalia
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Alier
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Sada
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah

2024-11-14 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Sada
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah

2024-11-07 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Alier for being there until 6pm
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Sada
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah
Congratulations to Maggie Douglas elected to the Nebraska State Board of Education , played in Shabazz Chess Tournament 2015 ,   scto2.htm
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h

2024-10-31 Thu at International Cafe
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Alier for being there until 6pm
I gave $40.00 USD Cash to Jamillah

2024-10-24 Thu at International Cafe
Urie.to   is back up and it seems all the issues are fixed
The Chess Players in Mother Afrika love me
I gave $20.00 USD Cash to Jamillah

2024-10-10 Thu at International Cafe
I gave Alier $20.00 cash and a $20.00 Hyvee gift card , I look forward to working with South Sudan Chess Players in the Motherland next year

People need in order of importance breathable air drinkable water adequate protein
 People Air  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-10-10 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20241010_231031.jpg  2448w x 2448h  People Water  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-10-10 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20241010_231031.jpg  2448w x 2448h  People Protein  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-10-10 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20241010_231031.jpg  2448w x 2448h

2024-10-03 Thu at International Cafe
I gave Alier a $99.00 gift card , he has invited a Chess Player from Kenya to come to the iCafe

 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h
 Wohlners Grocery Store Midtown Crossing ( Aksarben Village / Dundee )  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Wohlners Grocery Store Midtown Crossing ( Aksarben Village / Dundee ) Omaha NE USA IMG_20240907_164531.jpg  2448w x 2448h

2024-09-26 Thu at International Cafe
I gave Alier a $100 RCTO giftcard for showing up to play Chess , Warren never showed up for the Chess Challenge
 Alier Courtney | Derek  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-09-26 Thu International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20240926_215019.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h

Divine20240926thu1.mp4   2 seconds [ 377 Kb ] 1280w x 720h
 Twitter 118w x 118h

2024-09-24 Tue at International Cafe
Thank you Alier , I gave him a $100 RCTO giftcard for showing up to play Chess
Alier and Warren will play the Chess Challenge game 2024-09-26 Thu $100 1st place $90 2nd place

2024-09-22 Sun at International Cafe
Nittaya Thai Food Truck 2024-09-22 Sun 11am - 5pm Gene Leahy Mall
 Nittaya Thai Food Truck 2024-09-22 Sun 11am - 5pm Gene Leahy Mall  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Nittaya Thai Food Truck 2024-09-22 Sun 11am - 5pm Gene Leahy Mall Omaha NE USA IMG_20240922_162426.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h

2024-09-21 Sat at International Cafe
Alier is back and will be here at iCafe Tuesday and Thursday next week
 Alier Scott Nicholas Sam | Warren Courtney Prentiss Rich  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-09-21 Sat International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20240921_214803.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h
 Alier Scott Nicholas  RCTO.us RCTO.ws Meet & Greet 2024-09-21 Sat International Cafe 2416 Farnam Omaha NE USA 68131-3612 41.25700 -95.94805 IMG_20240921_214239.jpg  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h

2024-09-19 Thu at International Cafe
DivineChessAcademe.org received their Custom Chess Bag with shoulder strap and 12 Custom Silicon Chess Boards in Kampala Uganda 2024-08-30 Fri
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-08-30 Fri DivineChessAcademe.org Custom Chess Bag with 12 Custom Silicon Chess Boards Kampala Uganda  1000w X 1000h  1536w x 2048h  RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-08-30 Fri DivineChessAcademe.org Custom Chess Bag with 12 Custom Silicon Chess Boards Kampala Uganda  1000w X 750h  2048w x 1536h  RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-08-30 Fri DivineChessAcademe.org Custom Chess Bag with 12 Custom Silicon Chess Boards Kampala Uganda  1000w X 1000h  1536w x 2048h  RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-08-30 Fri DivineChessAcademe.org Custom Chess Bag with 12 Custom Silicon Chess Boards Kampala Uganda  1000w X 1000h  1152w x 2048h  RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-08-30 Fri DivineChessAcademe.org Custom Chess Bag with 12 Custom Silicon Chess Boards Kampala Uganda  1000w X 1000h  1536w x 2048h

Divine20240830fri1.mp4   20 seconds [ 22420 Kb ] 1280w x 720h

2024-09-05 Thu at International Cafe
The Chess Players are using all 24 of the Custom Silicon Chess Boards at the Divine Chess Academe
Divine20240830fri.mp4   17 seconds [ 2677 Kb ] 1280w x 720h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-09-01 Sun Farnam Hills Summer Social Quarters Omaha Douglas NE USA  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h

2024-09-02 Mon at International Cafe
No Chess Players came so I spent 2 hours helping Jamillah clean
CapitolArcade1.mp4   58 seconds [ 65393 Kb ] 1280w x 720h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h

2024-08-29 Thu at International Cafe
Warren was the only Chess Player to show up so I helped Jamillah with some cleaning
A Chess Club in Vientiane Laos read my websites and I am corresponding with them about a Chess Tournament
 Warren | Rich | RCTO.us RCTO.ws Capitol Arcade 1002 Dodge Omaha NE USA https://letsgoputt.com/capitol-arcade  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram 118w x 118h  Pinterest 118w x 118h  Threads 66w x 64h
 Capitol Arcade  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h
Capitol Arcade   1002 Dodge Omaha NE USA

2024-08-22 Thu at International Cafe
After her mom left me and Jamillah did some deep cleaning at iCafe
My gift to Ivie Urieto since they lost the original website :

I sent some money Western Union to make sure DivineChessAcademe.org can pay the Posta Uganda 25% Custom Duty
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-08-22 Thu DivineChessAcademe.org (MTCN) 452 587 9813
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws Douglas County Election Commission Early Voting Ballot Application Presidential Election 2024-11-05 Tue

2024-08-15 Thu at International Cafe
Warren was the only Chess Player to show up so I am treating him and 2 members of his family to a movie outing
Results of Wilkins Cup 2024 Omaha 2024-08-03 Sat :

2024-08-08 Thu at International Cafe
Warren was the only Chess Player to show up so I am treating his family to a movie outing
I sent to DivineChessAcademe.org another 12 Custom Chess Boards and Custom Chess Bag with shoulder strap
 DivineChessAcademe.org 12 Custom Chess Boards Custom Chess Bag  1000w X 1000h  2448w x 2448h  DivineChessAcademe.org 12 Custom Chess Boards Custom Chess Bag  DivineChessAcademe.org 12 Custom Chess Boards Custom Chess Bag
 Twitter 118w x 118h  Instagram  Pinterest  Threads
I also sent some money Western Union to make sure they can pay the Posta Uganda 25% Custom Duty
 RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2024-07-23 Tue DivineChessAcademe.org (MTCN) 324 974 3307

2024-08-01 Thu at International Cafe
2024-07-29 Mon I received the email stating 12 silicon boards are on the way .
The Omaha World Herald (OWH) stated there was a glitch in their system causing the Featured Announcement to not be published 2024-07-31 Wed .
There will be the Featured Announcement in the 2024-08-06 Tue OWH edition .

I gave Desi a Glass Chess Set with Mirror Board and a Medal from the Wildemar Chess Tournament Omaha 2011 and a Black Zipper Bag
2023-11-28 Tue
 Desi Clarkson Hospital Cafe Omaha NE USA  1000w X 1000h  2448w X 2448h
Beth +5 Manager Nebraska Medicine Clarkson Cafe Omaha NE USA
2023-02-08 Wed

Beth +4 with 1 more on the way at Nebraska Medicine Clarkson Cafe Omaha NE USA
2021-05-28 Fri
Randy Honored Nebraska Medicine Clarkson Hospital Omaha NE USA 1964/09/14 - 2023/04/21
Nebraska Medicine Clarkson Storz Pavillion Omaha NE USA
2023-04-12 Wed Grey's Anatomy Clarkson Hospital Storz G
 Grey's Anatomy Clarkson Hospital Storz G Omaha NE USA  1000w X 1000h  2048w X 2048h  Grey's Anatomy Clarkson Hospital Storz G Omaha NE USA  1000w X 1000h  2048w X 2048h

Nebraska Medicine Clarkson Hospital Director's Board Room

ClarksonBoardRoom.mp4   57 seconds 640x480

Nebraska Medicine Clarkson Hospital Learning Resource Center 6

ClarksonLRC6training1.mp4   11 seconds 640x480

StLukeChapel.mp4   3:42   640x480
NeMedEmergency.mp4   20 seconds   640x480
Nebraska Medicine University Tower 4th floor Dentistry Display
NeMedDental.mp4   2:02   1920x1080

A gift to Schala for St Patricks Day 2019 :
 Schala St Patricks Day 2019  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h

NebraskaMed Back2School 2016-08-04 Thu :
 Back2School 2016

My NebraskaMed Housekeeping Cart :
 NeMed Cart 8S
 Locker & Key 1
Serious Chess
Extraordinary Tournaments
 Rich NebraskaMed 2015  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h

I gave Miss Tammie a hoodie with her favorite Marvel character Groot on the back at Alorica
I gave Miss Yvette a purple crystal cross at Alorica
Alena is a Chess Player from Russia
 Alena art work  1000w X 750h  1670w X 1785h

The Meet & Greet 2016-10-16 Sun for my birthday at the Culprit Cafe :
 Todd & Rachel  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h  Rich & Todd  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h
Todd birthday party 2013-06-29 Sat

We watched SuperBowl 50 at Marcus Midtown Glo Lounge :
 SuperBowl2016G  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h

The Meet & Greet 2016-01-10 Sun at the Culprit Cafe :
 TheoDidactusG  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h
 Jasmine & Rich  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h
Jasmine is the best !
The outside temperature at the time was -8F , wind chill -20F !!!

We attended the 12-19-Sat 3:30pm showing at Marcus Midtown [ MarcusTheatres.com ]
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens [ IMDb.com/title/tt2488496 ]
Theater 4 in 3D .
 Star Wars 7  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h
See more photographs of the VIP VUE Lounge on the 4th floor :
Shabazz Chess Tournament Omaha 2015

Todd let me borrow his car for transportation to the event :
 1992 Buick LeSabre  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h

The Meet & Greet 2015-10-18 Sun my birthday at the Culprit Cafe :
 Mike Klemmensen  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h  Mike Klemmensen Money  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h
[Thank you Mike Klemmensen for attending the August 10th 2014 Meet & Greet !]

The Meet & Greet 2015-08-02 Sun Players from Bosnia at the Culprit Cafe :
 Rich Sead Adil  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h

I placed some fresh flowers from Patricks Market on the Memorial for Officer Orozco 2015-05-26 Tue 11:02ct

The Meet & Greet 2014-10-19 Sun for my birthday at the Culprit Cafe :
 Rich Todd Rachel  4320w X 3240h

The Meet & Greet with my Dad 2014-09-14 Sun at the Culprit Cafe :
 Anjane Dad Rich  1000w X 750h  4320w X 3240h

 Jim McKay Northwestern Bell pen
Jim 'CC' McKay was the most professional boss I ever had .
I worked under CC (Commander in Chief) at Northwestern Bell at 19th & Dodge Cosmos 5th floor in 1985 .
The pen stopped working 30 years to the day CC gave the pen to me .
 Twitter  Instagram  Pinterest  Threads

 3D Text by Xara.com      Favicon 16x16 Icons | Favicon.cc      Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator | CoolText.com      AnyBrowser Compatibility Check | AnyBrowser.com

2025-03-28 Fri 01:25 GMT/UTC/Zulu