The Clover Chess Tournament Omaha 2024
Saturday July 27th 2024
at the International Cafe
This Chess Tournament is dedicated to
Clover Hengen
For the International Cafe customers : WSJ ( Wall Street Journal ) , Barron's , USA Today , OWH ( Omaha World Herald )
2024-07-23 Tue I gave $600.00 USD to
for their 1st Chess Tournament , The Roza Shanina Chess Tournament Kampala Uganda :
2024-07-23 Tue
MP4 video of the final Chess Match of the Clover Chess Tournament 2024
16:18 854w X 480h 553084 Kb
I posted to The Message Board the Clover Chess Tournament 2024
I gave Jamilla , iCafe owner , $125.00 for hosting .
Since they sometimes run out of change with lots of cutomers I gave her $100 ($5 * 20) + $25 ($1 * 25)
I gave her twin daughters Hanan and Muna $100 giftcards each for helping
I gave my neighbor Kelli $100 giftcard for helping + $100 Wohlners giftcard
Email 06:19ct (11:19 UTC) Gary cannot make it replaced by Mihir
Text 15:40ct (20:40 UTC) Sami cannot make it Joe and Tony not present
1st Round ( White for lower number Black for higher number ) Winner listed 1st
1 Clover 8 Marc
2 Luke 7 Prentiss
6 Warren 3 Mitra
5 Mihir forfeit by 4 Sami
2nd Round
1 Clover 6 Warren
2 Luke 5 Mihir
3rd Round Final Match
2 Luke 1 Clover
The prizes were in $100 RCTO Vanilla Giftcards
$400 1st place 2 Luke
$300 2nd place 1 Clover
$200 3rd place 5 Mihir
$200 4th place 6 Warren
$100 5th place 3 Mitra
$100 6th place 7 Prentiss
$100 7th place 8 Marc ( for email registration +$100 +$100 Wohlners gift card )
The cost of putting the announcement of the Clover Chess Tournament Omaha 2024 results in the Omaha World Herald is almost $1200 .
Any help with these costs will be appreciated ( I have VENMO and Zelle ) :
The announcement of the winner of the Clover Chess Tournament Omaha 2024 will appear in the Omaha World Herald Classified Featured Annoucements
2024-07-30 Tuesday Sports B7
2024-07-31 Wednesday ( not in paper have contacted OWH )
2024-08-01 Thursday Sports C5
2024-08-02 Friday Sports C6
2024-08-03 Saturday Sports C5
2024-08-04 Sunday Homes & Money D10
2024-08-05 Monday Sports B7
2024-08-06 Tuesday Sports B6 ( to make up for Wednesday )
The announcement of the winners of the Clover Chess Tournament are on Chess.com and LiChess.org
A letter to Ivie
Please note I do not do COOKIES I do not do POPUPS I do not do LOCATION tracking I do not do CURSOR SCRIPTS
no special connection speed CPU speed screen size OS or Browser or add-ons necessary
Only Chess Players here before 4:00pm are eligible to win prizes in the Chess Tournament .
I recommend Chess Players arriving between 3:00pm and 3:30pm to have time to eat before play begins .
I only have 2 Chess Clocks so please bring Chess Clocks
Chess Players emailed me to register :
Prizes depend on the registrations and there was only 1 registration by email .
There is no entry fee .
The Chess Players :
1 Clover Hengen
2 Luke Hengen
3 Mitra Maruvada
4 Samanvi Kantem
5 Gary Buchanan
6 Warren Hunter
7 Prentiss Butler
8 Marc Copeland ( has the right to play white 2nd & 3rd rounds )
1 Mihir Maruvada
2 Joe Knapp
3 Tony Dutiel
$400.00 1st Place
$300.00 2nd Place
$200.00 3rd & 4th Place
$100.00 5th - 8th Place
$1500.00 USD
The Gift Cards can be used as Credit Cards for everything except online subscriptions
All 8 Chess Players will have their names published online and in print
The winner will have their photograph published online and in print
All the previous 1st Place winners in USD :
400.00 Kevin McGee Shabazz 2011 [
100.00 Matt Koopman Wildemar 2011 [
200.00 Ross Ellsworth Ikeda 2011 [
300.00 Will Colligan LeGras 2012 [
] 25.00 Alex Hotchkiss
400.00 Will Colligan Alex 2013 [
300.00 Will Colligan Julie 2013 [
100.00 Will Colligan Aida 2013 [
1000.00 Joe Knapp Metoyer 2014 [
] 80.00 Ashley Freeman
300.00 Joe Knapp Shabazz 2015 [
] 20.00 Maggie Douglas
200.00 Joe Knapp Rose 2016 [
200.00 Joe Knapp Tina 2017 [
] 130.00 Jenny Baitiste
100.00 Erick Garcia Miracle 2018 [
100.00 Chad Biglow Denise 2019 [
100.00 Marvin Robinson Vera 2020 [
] 200.00 Natasha Brown
300.00 Chad Biglow Myrtle 2022 [
] 100.00 Annaleesa Rogers
300.00 Alier Mayola Ivie 2023 [
400.00 Luke Hengen Clover 2024 [
] 300.00 Clover Hengen
4800.00 855.00
2024-07-23 Tue at International Cafe
I sent $200.00 USD to Divine Chess Academe for the Roza Chess Tournament 2024-07-22 Mon
The Roza Shanina Chess Tournament Kampala Uganda 2024-07-22 Mon
The $600.00 USD I sent on 2024-07-11 Thu was used for :
1st $10 Mandela
2nd $ 7 Conerious
3rd $ 5 Ezera
4th $ 8 Anna
5th $ 5 Betty
Breakfast 33 people $5 = $165
Drinking water 33 people $2 = $66
Lunch food 33 people $10 = $330
Abita 2 $10 = $20
Trophy 2 $7 = $14
Prize money 5 winners $35
The Roza Chess Tournament was originally scheduled for 2024-07-20 Sat (
International Chess Day
) but there was a health problem with
and 1 child was hospitalized .
2024-06-20 Thu at International Cafe
Gary was the only Chess Player to show up and waited with me until 6:00pm
I sent to
6 Chess Books by Mark Dvoretsky
I also sent some money Western Union to make sure they can pay the Posta Uganda 25% Custom Duty
EH 038275720 US
Beth with 2 gifts of PS-618 Portable 63200mAh Solar Power Bank Hand Crank with 3 Cables and Outputs
This was more than twice the power the USPS would send to DivineChessAcademe.org in Uganda so I gave it to Beth since the 7 of them like camping
2024-06-06 Thu at International Cafe
Today would have been Big Mo's 62nd birthday , the 4th would have been my big brother's 77th birthday .
Warren was the only Chess Player that came , I treated him to a dinner and drinks .
Posta Uganda charges the recipient of gifts to pay a 25% Custom Duty on the value of the gifts , so I had to send the Divine Chess Academe Western Union :
I gave Custom Take Out Bags to iCafe
2024-05-09 Thu at International Cafe
Message received 2024-05-07 Tue 00:56 GMT/UTC/Zulu from the orphan Chess Players at Divine Chess Academe :
Greetings to you papa, the books you sent us are so nice and good to read . So far the pages we have read are changing our play style. We say thank you once again and we waiting to read the others .
Posta Uganda charges the recipient of gifts to pay a 25% Custom Duty on the value of the gifts , so I had to send the Divine Chess Academe Western Union :
I gave Warren a $30 Wohlners giftcard
I gave to Warren for his friend a Chess Bag with shoulder strap and silicon board and quadruple weight Chess Set and 2 black velvet Chess Pieces Bags
Kelli works at
Center Trophy
2024-04-04 Thu at International Cafe
Shakur was the only Chess Player to show up
I sent RCTO tshirts to Ivie Urieto at Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Model School Abuja Nigeria
Departed CHICAGO UNITED STATES transfer airport in O'HARE INTERNATIONAL March 31 2024 4:36 pm
Arrived CHICAGO UNITED STATES March 31 2024 1:15 pm
International Transit Processed Through USPS Regional Facility CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 30 2024 9:38 am
In Transit to Next Facility March 29 2024
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility CHICAGO IL INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER March 27 2024 5:39 pm
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility OMAHA NE DISTRIBUTION CENTER Sat March 23 2024 8:09 pm
USPS in possession of item OMAHA NE 68108 Sat March 23 2024 11:42 am ct
2023-11-23 Thu at International Cafe
I gave the lady on the bus a $40 Wohlners Gift Card , I gave $110 of Wohlners Gift Cards to my NebraskaMed co-workers as well as a $100 RCTO Gift Card to a NebraskaMed co-worker
Ivie Urieto acknowledged my contributions to her Chess Journey on her website . Here is the text ( with the misspellings ) :
Rish from RCTOus has been pivotal in my chess journey. He gifted me a premium ichess package, adapting my courses when Chessable took over. In a remarkable gesture, he named a Nebraska tournament after me for community support in 2023. His support and dedication have left an indelible mark on my path.
After 12 years of putting more than $30,000 USD into Chess in Omaha none of my Chess Events are never listed on the Omaha or Nebraska websites ,
I appreciate the Afrikan Princess future Chess Master giving me due credit !
2023-11-12 Sun
The Marvels 3D PG13 1 hr 45 min 11:05 ct Aksarben Cinema Auditorium 06 Seats D9 D10 D11
I gave the concession staff a $20.00 tip because they were so understaffed that morning
It was me and 1 lady in a 66 seat theater = 3% of capacity
Loved the Flerken Cats !
2023-11-02 Thu at International Cafe
I was at iCafe from 3:30pm to 7:00pm but no Chess Players came .
I used the time to download Ivie Urieto new logo and write a program .
I wrote the program and tested it in less than 3 hours .
It is to be used online by less than 20 users .
My 1st computer program was in BASIC on punch cards at IIT in Chicago IL USA summer of 1975 .
2023-09-07 Thu at International Cafe
Thank you to Alier for dedication to Chess .
My Health Scare
I was working a full time job and a part time for 6 years and running Chess Events .
I thought the occasional numbness and tingling in my hands was because of overuse .
I discovered on the internet it was a mild form of Neuropathy .
I immediately had to cut lots of calroes and sugar from my diet .
I started taking 4 items daily :
Beet Powder
Several weeks later no more numbness and tingling .
I had no idea how much calories and sugar I was intaking 'on the run' between jobs etc .
Way too many Lattes , Sweet Teas , Sode Pops , Snacks .
I am 62 now and I must make these dietary changes permanent.
2023-07-20 Thu at International Cafe
The announcement of the winner of the Ivie Chess Tournament will appear on Omaha.com and in the Omaha World Herald Classified Featured Annoucements
2023-07-21 Friday Sports C5
2023-07-22 Saturday Sports C5
2023-07-21 Sunday Homes & Money D9
International Chess Day
The Chess Players did not send me a photograph .
Nathan came early before I had to leave at 4:05pm to go to work .
Prentiss texted me that 7 Chess Players were there .
2025-03-24 Mon 01:12 GMT/UTC/Zulu