RCTO.us   RCTO.ws
The Vera Chess Tournament Omaha 2020
Saturday October 16th 2021
at the International Cafe [ IC.htm ]


This Chess Tournament is dedicated to Vera Menchik
The 1st Lady Chess Champion
en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Menchik   [ simple ]

Thanks to Kari Roegge for the $60.00 donation [ LinkedIn.com/in/kari-roegge-cifuno-56936595 ]
 Kari Roegge

Natasha Brown 1st Place Lady $200.00
Winning Chess Tactics by Jeremy Silman and Yasser Seirawan [ Google.com ]
The Art of Attack in Chess by Vladimir Vukovic [ Google.com ]
Chess Fundamentals by Jose Raul Capablanca [ Google.com ]
 Natasha Brown 1st Place Lady  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h

Mihir Maruvada 1st Place Youth $100.00
 Mihir Maruvada 1st Place Youth $100.00   1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h

Marvin Robinson 1st Place $100.00
Chess Fundamentals by Jose Raul Capablanca [ Google.com ]
 Marvin Robinson 1st Place $100.00  1000w X 750h  1536w X 2048h

Scott Look 2nd Place $80.00
 Scott Look 2nd Place $80.00  1000w X 750h  1536w X 2048h

Chad Biglow 3rd Place $60.00
 Chad Biglow 3rd Place $60.00  1000w X 750h  1536w X 2048h

Courtney Houston 4th Place
 Courtney Houston 4th Place  1000w X 750h  1536w X 2048h

Natasha Brown
I bought her a Tilapia and Falafel dinner
 Natasha Brown  1000w X 750h  1536w X 2048h

Scott wins over Chad in the 1st Round
 Scott Chad final  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Scott Chad  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h

Marvin wins over Courtney in the 1st Round
 Marvin Courtney final  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Marvin Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h

Marvin wins over Scott in the Final Round
 Marvin Scott final  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
vcto-MarvinScott.mp4   12:10   480w X 320h

vcto-1.mp4   25 seconds   640w X 480h

vcto-2.mp4   25 seconds   640w X 480h

Vera Chess Tournament Omaha announcement :

Omaha World Herald announcement in the ad section   OWH
2021-10-22 Fri   Sports C6
2021-10-23 Sat   Sports C7
2021-10-24 Sun   Homes & Money D9
 Omaha World Herald announcement in the ad section

Center Trophy engraved Natasha Brown's name on the trophy
 Natasha Brown 1st Place Lady Trophy Engraved

The Marvel Universe and The Ultimate Guide to Eternals Magazines
I gave 2 sets to Natasha Brown and her sister at The Eternals 2021 2021-11-05 Fri 7:15pm ct AMC Westroads 14 Auditorium 1 Imax Seats H3-H12
 The Marvel Universe and The Ultimate Guide to the Eternals Magazines  1000w X 750h  4160w X 3120h
 The Eternals 2021 2021-1-05 Fri 7:15pm ct AMC Westroads 14 Auditorium 1 Imax Seats H3-H12  1000w X 360h  1400w X 500h

Chess Set for Natasha Brown the 1st Place Lady
I gave this to Natasha Brown at the 2021-11-06 Sat Meet & Greet at Voodoo Taco 25th & Farnam
 Vera Menchik Chess Tournament Chess Set  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

At the 2021-11-20 Sat Meet & Greet at International Cafe 25th & Farnam
I gave Natasha Brown a Samsung Chromebook with charger and 2 64Gb USB drives with carry bags
 Chromebook for Natasha Brown RCTO.us RCTO.ws 2021-11-20 Sat International Cafe Omaha NE USA

Chess Players can email me to register
The 1st 4 Lady Chess Players that email me to register before the day of the Vera Chess Tournament Omaha 2020 , I will pay for food and drink up to $20.00 before play begins rich@rcto.us

Unfortunately no Lady Chess Player ever regiestered to win the $1900.00
Chess Players must be present and ready to play before 4:00pm ct to win prizes .

No Chess Player has registered with me by email so the prizes are currently at :
1st   $100
2nd   $80
3rd   $60
1st Place Lady $100 ( I added this because a Lady Chess Player registered by email 10-15-Fri )
Chess Players can wear masks and gloves

I must have at least 1 Lady Chess Player registered by the end of the day 07-22-Thu or this might be postponed until 10-16-Sat .
I need at least 1 Lady Chess Player and at least 2 Chess Players to be ready to play before 4:00pm or this might be postponed until 10-16-Sat .
This is my last attempt at the $1900.00 in prizes for the Lady Chess Players .
I am in contact with Chess Players/Clubs in other countries if no Lady in the Midwest USA wants to play for the prize money.
If this must be postponed to 2021-10-16 Sat there will be no separate prizes for the Lady Chess Players .
[ Saturday May 2nd original date postponed due to COVID-19 ]
[ Saturday June 6th date postponed ]
[ Saturday June 27th date postponed ]
[ Saturday July 18th date postponed ]
[ Saturday August 8th date postponed ]
[ Saturday August 29th date postponed ]
[ Saturday September 19th date postponed ]
[ Saturday October 17th date postponed ]
[ Saturday November 14th date postponed ]
[ Saturday December 12th date postponed ]
[ Saturday March 27th date postponed ]
[ Saturday May 1st date postponed ]
Chess Players can wear masks and gloves

Unfortunately no Lady Chess Player ever regiestered to win the $1900.00
$1000.00   1st Place Lady
$ 500.00   2nd Place Lady
$ 300.00   3rd Place Lady
$ 100.00   4th Place Lady
if only 3 Ladies play , 3rd place gets 3rd and 4th prizes
if only 2 Ladies play , 2nd place gets 2nd and 3rd and 4th prizes
if only 1 Lady plays , 1st place gets 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th prizes
I wanted the regular prize to also be $1000.00 but I have already spent more than $1000.00 on ads trying to get Lady Chess players to register for this Chess Tournament .

The 1st Place Prize will be at least $100.00 .

3 Chess Books suggested by Erica to give away to the Lady Chess Players at the end of the Vera Chess Tournament Omaha 2020 .

received 2020-04-11 Sat

received 2020-05-02 Sat

received 2020-04-18 Sat
received 2020-05-02 Sat

the 1st Place Lady will have their name and photograph in the local paper and on an electronic billboard .
These previously appeared in the Omaha world Herald :
 Sunday Omaha World Herald 12th June  Sunday Omaha World Herald 8th May

Trophy for the 1st Place Lady
Prepaid for the name of the 1st Place Lady to be etched on the trophy by CenterTrophy.com

Tiara for the 1st Place Lady

 Vera 2020 Chess Set & Clock  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

I ordered 5 sizes of Black Nitrile Powder Free 4mil gloves
Unfortunately , the XL size was out of stock and shipping was delayed
I asked them to ship this U.S.P.S. ( United States Postal Service ) , unfortunately they sent it U.P.S. Ground ( United Parcel Service ) and they returned the package
received 2020-05-26 Tue

 face masks

1M/1L Face Masks
received 2020-05-09 Sat
2M/3L Face Masks
received 2020-05-26 Tue

 face masks

4 Face Masks
received 2020-05-16 Sat
gave 2 to International Cafe
4 Face Masks
received 2020-05-26 Tue

9 seconds   3696 Kb   1280w X 720h
 44th & dodge 2020-07-27 Mon  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
9 seconds   3833 Kb   1280w X 720h
 44th & dodge 2020-07-27 Mon PM  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

 RCTO Face Mask AhmedMohammad.mp4
I paid Ahmed and Mohammad to make this video showing how to play Chess while
' Social Distancing '
Please Note :
No Chess Players were harmed while making this vdeo
No dangerous products were tested on Chess Players

Nyarial & Queen 2020-08-10 Mon International Cafe
 Nyarial & Queen  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Nyarial & Queen  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Nyarial & Queen  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h


2020-06-13 Sat Farnam street
 25th & Farnam stret  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

20200613sat1.mp4   .mov   14 sec   1280w X 720h
20200613sat2.mp4   .mov   5 sec   1280w X 720h

2020-06-06 Sat at International Cafe
20200606sat-.mp4   57 sec   640w X 480h
20200606sat.mp4   57 sec   1280w X 720h
 James Scurlock Culprit Cafe  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

Green Room 16th & Farnam 2020-05-27 Wed
 Green Room  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Green Room  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Green Room  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

RicH 2020-05-09 Sat

Natalie & Erica 2020-04-26 Sun
 Natalie & Erica  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Natalie Chess Set  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

 Janiyah Erica Britt  Janiyah Erica Britt
born to Erica Britt
2020 Omaha NE USA

 Erica  1000w X 750h  1200w X 1600h  Erica  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
Erica just left an abusive relationship and is now getting housing and a job , I bought Erica a 30 Day Bus Pass

 Thirst-Tea Gift Card  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

 Douglas County Election Commission Early Voting Ballot Application  400w X 1133h  1200w X 3400h

emailed 2020-08-17 Mon 12:47 GMT

 Douglas County Election Commission Early Voting Ballot USPS Informed Delivery

 Douglas County Election Commission Early Voting Ballot 1 of 3 Candidates  Douglas County Election Commission Early Voting Ballot 2 of 3 Judges  Douglas County Election Commission Early Voting Ballot 3 of 3 Initiatives

I put my Early Vote Ballot in the Box at Omaha Douglas County Cener 18th & Farnam 2020-10-05 Mon 14:10 ct

 City of Omaha Election Commission Early Voting Ballot Application  400w X 1133h  1200w X 3400h

emailed 2021-01-31 Sun 23:06 GMT

 Central High School Foundation CHS 1977 60th Birthday Card
Central High School Foundation CHS 1977 Card for my 60th Birthday

This is a mural at 25th & Farnam Omaha NE USA by various artists , I do not know their names , I took the photographs 2020-12-05 Sat .
 Omaha Mural 25th & Farnam 2020-12-05 Sat  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Omaha Mural 25th & Farnam 2020-12-05 Sat  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Omaha Mural 25th & Farnam 2020-12-05 Sat  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Omaha Mural 25th & Farnam 2020-12-05 Sat  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Omaha Mural 25th & Farnam 2020-12-05 Sat  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Omaha Mural 25th & Farnam 2020-12-05 Sat  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Omaha Mural 25th & Farnam 2020-12-05 Sat

Omaha World Herald 8/2/Sun - 8/4/Tue Announcements | Feature Announcements
 Omaha World Herald 8/2/Sun-8/4/Tue  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

SUN 6RE Announcements | Feature Announcements
TUE 6B Announcements | Feature Announcements

Thrifty Nickel Announcements 2021 :
[03-11]   [03-04]   Omaha-Lincoln NE & Cedar Rapids IA & Kansas City MO

Thrifty Nickel Announcements 2020 :
[10-18]   [09-24]   [09-03]   [08-13]   [07-23]   [06-18]   [06-04]   [04-20]   [04-06]   [03-29]   [03-15]   [03-11]   [03-05]

2021-09-05 Sun at International Cafe
 Prentiss teaching  1000w X 600h  1920w X 1152h  Marvin Prentiss Warren Taloy | Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
I gave the child a Childrens Chess Game and I gave Marvin a Chess Set & Clock :
 Child Chess Game  1000w X 2000h  1300w X 2650h  RCTO Chess Set and Clock  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2021-08-22 Sun at International Cafe
 Prentiss Shakur Scott  1000w X 750h  4160w X 3120h
20210822sun1.mp4   85 seconds   640w X 480h
Big Mo passed away 4 years ago today

2021-08-14 Sat at International Cafe
 Warren Prentiss Shakur Courtney Aniyah CC Scott TJ | Chad  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
I gave Shakur a Chess Set & Clock :
 RCTO Chess Set and Clock  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2021-08-07 Sat at International Cafe
 Courtney Scott TJ Chad CC Warren Bernard  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Scott TJ Prentiss Warren Shakur Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Scott Prentiss Warren Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
Bernard Terry Recorded Live at Jazz St Louis 2020-09-22 Sun

2021-07-17 Sat at International Cafe
 The International Cafe Family  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
The International Cafe Family
 CC Warren  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
Most of the Chess Players were in Lincoln for the Cornhusker Games Chess Tournament

2021-07-10 Sat at International Cafe
 TJ Prentiss CC Warren Courtney Shakur Mike | BrotherG Darius  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Warren Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
20210710sat1.mp4   30 seconds   640w X 480h
DirtyBirds-Natasha.mp4   13 seconds   320w X 240h
 Miss Nebraska Outstanding Teen 2021 Jamie Rose Chen
Miss Nebraska Outstanding Teen 2021 Jamie Rose Chen 2021-07-10 Sat 15th Farnam Omaha NE USA

2021-06-19 Sat at International Cafe
 Lydia & family  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
Lydia and family with the Childrens Chess Set I gave to her
 Mike teaching Lydia  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
Mike teaching Lydia
 Scott TJ CC Shakur Courtney | Mike Prentiss CC Billetta  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
20210619sat1.mp4   30 seconds   640w X 480h

2021-06-12 Sat at International Cafe
 CC Billetta end of game  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  CC Billetta  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
CC and Billetta were the 1st 2 Ladies that played a game of Chess against each other .
CC won a $90.00 gift card
Billetta won a $70.00 gift card
 Shakur Scott Ocie Warren Courtney TJ | Marcus CC Billetta BrotherG  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
20210612sat1.mp4   30 seconds   640w X 480h

2021-06-05 Sat at International Cafe
 Prentiss Marcus Warren Courtney Scott Shakur | TJ Zenith Mojiz  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
20210605sat1.mp4   39 seconds   640w X 480h
20210605sat2.mp4   45 seconds   640w X 480h

2021-05-15 Sat at International Cafe
 Shakur TJ Courtney Warren Prentiss Marcus | CC  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  TJ Steve Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
20210515sat1.mp4   55 seconds   640w X 480h
I gave CC a Chess Set & Clock and a Face Mask and a Chess Medal :
 RCTO Chess Set and Clock  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2021-05-01 Sat at International Cafe
 Prentiss Courtney Warren TJ Shakur Tom Dana | Zenith Darius  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
 World Map 50  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
World Map 50"x32" donated 2021-05-01 Sat to International Cafe
20210501sat1.mp4   24 seconds   640w X 480h
20210501sat2.mp4   5 seconds   640w X 480h
Chess Set and Crayons Markers Pencils donated to family 2021-05-01 Sat at International Cafe

2021-04-17 Sat at International Cafe
 TJ Prentiss Warren Arnie Courtney Bryson | Mike Shakur Darius  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
20210417sat1.mp4   32 seconds   640w X 480h
I gave warren a Chess Set & Clock :
 RCTO Chess Set and Clock  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2021-03-27 Sat at International Cafe
 TJ Prentiss Warren Shakur Mike Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Warren Courtney TJ Mike  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Warren Prentiss TJ Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Warren Prentiss Courtney   1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h

20210327sat2.mp4  3:40   480w X 320h
20210327sat1.mp4   56 seconds   640w X 480h
20210327sat1-.mp4   56 seconds   1280w X 720h

2021-03-13 Sat at International Cafe
 Arnie Courtney Prentiss Shakur Warren TJ  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
 Courtney TomLilly TJ Warren  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
Tom Lilly Head Coach Creighton Tennis Teams

2021-03-06 Sat at International Cafe
 Arnie Shakur TJ Warren Prentiss Courtney  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h  Mike Arnie Courtney Warren  1000w X 750h  2048w X 1536h
20210306sat1.mp4   18:41   480w X 320h
I gave TJ a Chess Set & Clock :
 RCTO Chess Set and Clock  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2020-06-13 Sat at International Cafe

 Prentiss Courtney  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

Hollywood Candy Fairmont Cafe
 Prentiss Courtney  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2020-01-04 Sat at International Cafe

20200104sat.mp4   18 sec   1280w X 720h
 Darius Ocie  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Chad Courtney Warren CT Fred  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
 CT Fred  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
Chess Master CT donated about 50 Chess Books

 Sada Omar  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Prentiss Will Coleman Fred  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2019-12-28 Sat at Thirst-Tea Turner Park
 Warren Fred Courtney Ocie Prentiss  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
 Courtney Matthew  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Warren Ocie Chad Courtney Matthew  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
Matthew was visiting Omaha and he beat Ocie Warren Courtney

 Fred Courtney Ocie Darius Warren  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Fred Chad  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Darius Fred  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2019-10-19 Sat at 13th Street Coffee & Tea
Prentiss won all of his games at the UNO Chess Tournament and finished with a 1150 Rating
 Will Chad Prentiss  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Will Chad Malcolm Marcus Courtney  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Chad Malcolm  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Abram Marcus Prentiss Ocie  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Courtney Ocie Marcus Warren Prentiss  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Marcus Prentiss  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Ocie Courtney  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Courtney Prentiss Marcus Ocie  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2019-08-10 Sat at Thirst-Tea Turner Park
Linda (13) & future player Sincere (6)
 Linda wins  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Sincere  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Courtney Linda  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Courtney Linda  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h
20190810sat.mp4   30 sec   1280w X 720h
 Shakur Courtney Chad Prentiss  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Chad Courtney Prentiss Shakur  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Ocie Courtney  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Prentiss Chad  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Prentiss Ocie  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h  Courtney Ocie  1000w X 750h  5152w X 3864h

2024-07-19 Fri 13:29 GMT/UTC/Zulu