International Cafe 25th & Farnam
$100.00 1st Erick Garcia
$ 90.00 2nd Chad Biglow
$ 80.00 3rd Courtney Houston
$ 70.00 4th Prentiss Butler
$ 60.00 5th Fred Miller
$ 50.00 6th Darius Hamilton
$ 40.00 7th D'Vante Smith
3:00pm Registration begins
4:00pm Play Starts ( RAIN or SHINE )
Players and Spectators can come early
Please purchase delicious food and drink from International Cafe
IC staff appreciates BIG Tips
The strip mall has a large parking lot
The 2 , 15/55 , 24 , 30 , 35 buses stop within 2 blocks
This Chess Tournament is dedicated to
Miracle Marvelous
Kelly was pregnant with Miracle when a man broke her phone and beat her to the point she had to spend 2 days at the NebraskaMed hospital .
I met Kelly at the bus stop at 40th & Dodge .
Kelly asked to use my phone and that started everything .
I gave her a 30 day bus card and told her to meet me at the hospital the next day .
I bought her a phone and treated her at the Clarkson Cafe .
I bought her phone cards and bus cards and helped her with rent until Miracle was born .
Kelly says Miracle is growing fast [2019-04-20 Sat]
Kelly says Miracle is getting big [2018-05-18 Fri]
Miracle Marvelous in the Methodist NICU
The following Players that attended 10 or more Meetings or
participated in Tina Chess Tournament Omaha 2017 and
attended at least 1 meeting will pay :
Courtney Houston $5.00 [paid 6-9-Sat]
Fred Miller $5.00 [paid 6-30-Sat]
Chad $5.00 [paid 6-23-Sat]
Prentiss Butler $5.00 [paid 6-23-Sat]
Darius $5.00 [paid 6-9-Sat]
Erick Garcia $5.00 [paid 6-30-Sat]
Jenny Baitiste $3.00 [N/A]
Kleimer Garcia $1.00 [N/A]
D'Vante Smith [paid 6-30-Sat]