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Ivie Urieto Twitter.com/chesswitivie

Youth Ambassador Chalcedony Prime School in Nigeria born September 2014 in Abuja

2023-01-12 Thu 14:36 GMT/UTC/Zulu

Email from Clement Urieto

As for the experience with ichess, I must confess, that is one of the best things that currently happened to Ivie.
She is getting stronger by even just watching a few of the videos.
I can only imagine how strong she is gonna be after the one-year course on Ichess.

We have you to thank.
You are a good man, and we pray to meet you in good health by June when we come.
The Ivie Chess Tournament is a thing of joy for us and seeing Ivie live in that tournament will put more smiles and joy in our hearts.

Thank you again and again


[ iChess.net/shop/ichess-club , this is the 1 year membership I bought for Ivie ]

2023-01-13 Fri 04:21 GMT/UTC/Zulu